Well what a great weekend weather wise, was fantastic, mud is now clearing up, yay!

Rode Lofty this afternoon, he was such a good boy, actually got him humming along quite nicely today. Letetia came to take photos and give a little lesson. So much easier when you have eyes on the ground. Hopefully will get him out to the dressage training day this weekend. Unfortunately Letetia liked to cut my head out of the photos?!?!?

Trotted over to the stallion parade today to help out Eve, gosh Lennie (Millennium Gold) looked fantastic, such a change from 1 month ago, Eve has done a wonderful job getting him back to his former glory. Well done you. Gosh Lennie is a complete dude, nothing fazed him at all today. Such a great nature. Ohhh and he loooves coffee, he helped me drink mine today. Rizz has actually been sold to Kara a friend of Eves and will be put to Lennie this season, should be one seriously cute foal. Eve will be campaigning Lennie in the dressage arena this year so keep an eye out for them.

YAY EVE AND LENNIE! We have to get that Eve a website so I can go nosey (or does she have one I dont know about?) Fab to see photos of you chickey - you and Lofty are looking great, esp for winter.
Tanks Ky, no she hasn't got a website yet! But will work on her for one. Yeap Lofty did winter well, looks better now:) And oh, I found 2nd 3rd and 4th gears, in the aid of a dressage whip:)
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