Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Dressage Rotorua - Held at Taupo 9th May 2010

Headed to Taupo on Sunday for dressage, unfortunately our grounds are closed at the moment so this day was held at the NEC.
It was a lovely day down there, a tad cold but generally is this time of the year.
There were 22 starters in my classes and I placed 7th and 11th. 1.2 - 63.75% & 1.4 - 65.20%.
There were some super little ponies there that cleaned up, actually there was a truck load of them, all show ponies by the looks of things. The young girls were wrapped they had placed and I was happy for them too, encourages the younger riders when they can get a ribbon!
Dev went awesome, a huge improvement on Te Aroha, guess that's what happens when you don't ride like a muppet. He is starting to work in a better outline now, just have to work at keeping him together. We have struggled with the lefthand canter for a while but have been working on it for the last month. Was wrapped to see he got an 8 for his canter on this lead, must be doing something right ;)
Not alot happening again for a while so will keep him ticking over, we went down to the x-country course the other day and I had a wee jump, obviously nothing too big as it must be the first time in years I have jumped out. Enjoyed it immensely and look forward to doing that again!