So Sonic has the attitude of two!!!!! She is a very feisty little one, Linda was even evicted from the box last night. She has also been showing Kate, Lindas helper, a few a her 30cm buck moves too.
Lindas comment: she has the attitude of about 6. It is like Dr Evils Mini Me holding you up in an alley.... whatever.
Second Up:
Goldie the Chinese Gold gelding has gone back to where I brought him from. He had a few issues that were undisclosed in the sale and things I was not prepared to sort out.
Third Up:
Viva was x-rayed by Matamata Equine Vets yesterday. She has had some swelling around her near front knee for about 3 weeks and it has not gone down at all, was hoping it was just a knock. Given she does not have the best conformation, was time to x-ray.
Matamata have this flash new digital machine so when the x-ray is taken, it downloads straight away onto computer screen so you can see it.
Funa, the vet, was stumped as she had never seen anything like it before. I had to wait for answers as she had to go back to the surgery and get opinions on what was found on the x-ray.
So Viva has now been diagnosed with "Osteochondroma", which is a benign tumor at the back of her knee where all the tendons etc run. It is treatable with an operation, SO, will be working on getting Viva floating this week so she can go over asap. I am really glad it is treatable as I was actually starting to think the worst.
All I need now is to find that money tree!!!!!!
So yeah, a busy time for me lately. I have also just advertised Luigi for sale. A bit of a shame as he is growing by the day and looks fantastic. Just need to free up some $$$ for the bills that I am expecting in the new year.
Link for Luigi:
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