Monday, September 29, 2008
Rotorua SJ..........

Thursday, September 18, 2008
Horse Day Today.........
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
2 Years Today......
The day I brought Flynn 9 Sep 05, think I felt a tad sorry for him. He looked alot worse than the photos show. He turned out to be such a great horse. Amazing what a bit of feed and loving can do:)
Putaruru A&P show 26 Feb 06, 5 months later. Champion in hand and well placed in Saddle Hunter Classes. The judge made the comment that he had huge potential and looked forward to seeing us the following year, we never made it.
Flynn at Rotorua A&P Jan 06, 4 months later, our first ever A&P show.
Day I felt sorry for the boy and brought him home, he tried his heart out even thou he was in bad condition. Photo doesn't show it but he had a huge rub where the saddle was rubbing on his wither along with lice all over.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Boxers First Tying Up Lesson......
Annie is getting bigger by the day, she will come into the foaling paddock soon so she can pick her spot. Can't wait!! She is due December. Conbrio has his first foal on the ground and he is stunning, black with white kind of star and 2 socks and is a real character by the sounds of things. Conbrio is standing publicly this year, check him out http://www.legacysporthorses.co.nz/.
Boxers first time in the yard with tying up. Such a good boy, he loooves to be brushed. No issues at all!! Currently standing at 13.3hh at the wither and 14hh behind. He is rising 10 months so should hopefully get somewhere around 16.2hh.
Coal finding a way to eat, what lonnnggg legs, ohh so cute. Conbrios first on the ground.
Coal with his mum, Wolke (Worldwide x Dynacast (Dynamit x Genius).