Have just spent a lovely week in Norfolk Island with Michelle my sister, had a fab time and would recommend the Island to anyone. Unfortunately got on the scales this morning and shows that I enjoyed the wine and food too much so looks like it will be back to walking and the exercise bike.
A big Thank You to Kim who looked after my ponies whilst I was away. Poor Kim had to feed out in all the shit weather we had last week while I was soaking up all the rays of sunshine.
The mud has sucked Lofty's front shoes off so Ron is coming tomorrow to reshoe him and then we are back into it. Sounds like the weather is not going to be great this weekend either but need to make a start for the coming season.
Girls taking a sleep yesterday under the watchful eye of their mate.

Boxer sporting his new cover just in time for the horrid weekend weather that is coming. Thanks to Kerry for braving the resent sales down South for it.