Training 0.3 = 2nd 74%
Comment on test sheet "Must keep horse moving at all times regardless" as he decided to take a dump in this test and I just couldn't get him to move, seriously!!! Mr Whippy couldn't even persuade him! Sometime to work on :)
Once again awesome comments by the judges.
Not a lot happening now in regards to dressage so will spend some time over x-mas and up his work load and training so we can register prelim and head out in the new season.
Will do some treks and stuff on him in the meantime also.
Crew Update:
Luigi - Is still away being started. The weather has just been crap and his work has been erratic so things are taking a little longer. Can only be a good thing though:)
Boxer - Hope to do the All Breeds In Hand Show with Boxer in January in Hamilton. He is looking fab and would be good for him to have a little life experience. Unfortunately I was going to do inhand with him at Rotorua A&P but they have canned all their inhand classes due to non-support. Bugger.
Viva - Is hanging out with Lucy - Lucy is hanging out with Viva.