Sunday, August 31, 2008

Yay Finally A Fine Weekend

Well what a great weekend weather wise, was fantastic, mud is now clearing up, yay!

Trotted over to the stallion parade today to help out Eve, gosh Lennie (Millennium Gold) looked fantastic, such a change from 1 month ago, Eve has done a wonderful job getting him back to his former glory. Well done you. Gosh Lennie is a complete dude, nothing fazed him at all today. Such a great nature. Ohhh and he loooves coffee, he helped me drink mine today. Rizz has actually been sold to Kara a friend of Eves and will be put to Lennie this season, should be one seriously cute foal. Eve will be campaigning Lennie in the dressage arena this year so keep an eye out for them.

Rode Lofty this afternoon, he was such a good boy, actually got him humming along quite nicely today. Letetia came to take photos and give a little lesson. So much easier when you have eyes on the ground. Hopefully will get him out to the dressage training day this weekend. Unfortunately Letetia liked to cut my head out of the photos?!?!?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What A Couple Of Weeks........

Well as a lot of you know my paddock companions ran away last week and were missing for 4 days. After lots and lots of searching, stressing and crying I found them on a farm about 2 kms away. They are alot worse for wear and Bob has no sight at the mo and Coco has also lost vision in one eye. They have very bad burns on their feet and tummys from something very caustic. We just don't know what. Coco spent the night at the vets on Monday has she was very dehydrated. They are quite happy otherwise thou and I am just so wrapped to have them home.
Also found out last week that Boxers mum Jamie passed away from a massive heart attach on Wednesday 20th August. She was such a lovely girl and was only 9 years old. RIP big girl.
Jamie and Boxer ealier this year.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Rain Rain Go Away

Well guess that's winter. It's been so wet this year, as is everyone else I'm waiting for some good sunshine hours.
Have ridden Lofty only twice since getting new shoes on him (Thanks Ron). You would have thought that he was in full work over winter and has been ridden everyday. What a boy!!
We have a couple of issues to sort out but I am really hoping we can do it, time will tell, but even in the two rides we have had I am confident that he will improve. Maybe a case of too much pressure in his previous training.
He has sooo many buttons and figuring them all out will also be a time thing for us both. He has mostly been schooled very well and I really enjoy riding him. His rein back is very impressive along with shoulder-in, travers, leg yielding so can't complain too much.

I have Annie on the market, hard decision to make but if she does not sell I am not to worried as she is an awesome mare and getting bigger by the day. Would really love to see what she produces.

Boxer has now learnt to WAIT for his dinner at night, we had a bit of a fight at first but he now respects my space and waits by his tyre for it. He is looking great, a bit of a hairy mammoth so roll on summer. I hope to do some inhand with him this year. He thinks the float is very cool too, walks in by himself and hangs out there.

I tried to get Viva on the float the other day but as I had a crook back decided it probably wasn't the best time to do it. Something we will be working on very soon. She is such a plonker, nothing much fazes that girl I tell ya!